It’s your Party! Make a lot of noise!
Are you looking for an unforgettable experience for your party?
For Kids Birthday Parties: 2.5 hours
1. Samurai Sword Activity Birthday Party – $350 (w/ bokken add $25/child)
2. Nerf Battle Birthday Party – $400
Either option: we provide the location, tables, chairs, water and the organized activity. You can bring in any food/drinks you would like.
Samurai Sword Activity birthday party there are two options:
1. Kids learn about the samurai sword, get to touch a real sword (under supervision), learn some techniques with a foam sword and participate in sword themed games. 10 Kids Max
2. Parents can purchase a child sized wood bokken (training version of samurai sword) that each child gets to keep. The wood sword will be incorporated into the activities, under supervision. For this option kids must be a minimum of 8yrs old. 10 Kids Max
Nerf Battle birthday party
We provide nerf equipment, scenario based nerf battles, 16 Kids Max
For adults, we offer self-defense workshops and group martial art lessons with defense tools such as knives and bo staffs.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help make your event extra special!

Find all of our social media links or purchase a Gift Certificate HERE!